Vancouver Blogger: The War is Over?


After a conflagration of immeasurable proportions, where heaving battalions clashed on the plains, and entire communities were razed in a senseless, some say meaningless, war of pings, back links and blog comments, an eerie calm settles over the land.

Families, women and children return from exile, to the smoldering ruins of the Great Vancouver Blogger Smackdown.

Now, it is a time for peace, and a time to rebuild.

But, have we strayed too far? Can we possibly hold the #1 spot in Google for “Vancouver blogger” for the first day of Northern Voice on Feb. 22nd?

Like Caesar battling the Britons, Alexander’s foray to the Orient, or Napoleon on the outskirts of Moscow, the line cannot possibly hold.

I have, I fear, peaked too soon. February 22nd is a long, long way off.